Saturday, August 24, 2013

So I have been slacking on the blog posts, but fear not, I have not slacked with my running. This past week has been a bit of a mental challenge for me though, and I know what you're thinking, if my conviction is wavering now, how will I ever make it to 13.1 miles? I've asked myself that question a few times, but eventually found the drive to get through my doubts. Last week I just found myself tired, and unexplainably discouraged. My legs were sore and I didn't think I would ever get past the four mile mark. When running, I don't usually stop to walk or rest, I just muscle through it and get it done. I tell Kristina, don't stop unless you are going to throw up or pass out. Last week I had a run where I was about 5 strides from both, and it was only at the 2.5 mile mark. This was a mental kick in the face for me. I was flooded with self doubt. Why the hell am I doing this to myself, I'll never make it to 13. miles!

But I refused to throw in the towel just yet. My legs have been feeling tight and my mind has been rocking the defeatist thoughts, but my conviction and desire to finish this made me rethink giving up. My friend Ammie had asked me a couple of weeks ago to run a 10k with her at the end of August. It was this morning; it kinda snuck up on me. I agreed, but 6.2 miles was farther than I had ever run before, and I was nervous. Appropriate preparation for taking on this task would have been sufficient hydration leading up to the race, with good rest and nutrition to ensure optimal endurance and general good feelings. So what did I do?! I went out drinking ALL day yesterday. Literally all day. My friend Julia and I hit up several wineries and did wine tastings all day (not good for hydration). When we were finished with that, we went to the Irish Festival. I feel as though the name implies the libations of choice for such an occasion. I got home sometime around midnight ( I think), and then had a two hour phone conversation with a handsome fellow. So basically, I did the exact opposite of what would have been best for me. For those that know me, you are currently not surprised in the least, and may even be surprised at the fact that I slept at all. But alas, I did in fact sleep until 6:30am, and headed to the race to register myself, because, in true Tina form, I waited until the last minute to register. So with my happy lil' hangover (possibly still buzzed), I signed up for a 6.2 mile race. Yea, I must have still been drunk.

The race started at 9:30am. As the seconds ticked away waiting for the horn to sound to start the race, I was getting a bit nervous. What if I couldn't do it? What would that mean for the impending half marathon? Lucky for me I had my dear friend Ammie for some awesome moral support. She reminded me that it was more about finishing than charging through it. If I needed to walk, then walk, and then get moving again. It was all about getting done, and being proud that I finished my first 10k. She reminded me to pace myself, and just have fun. I had almost forgotten that this was supposed to be fun because I had gotten so wrapped up in all my self doubt. I enjoy running. It should be fun! So the buzzer sounded, and we were off.

The weather was AMAZING, cloudless sky and a gentle breeze. The course was relatively flat with paved roads beneath my feet. I was feeling good by mile marker one. I found a pace that I knew I could sustain, and put a smile on my face. This was fun! I was surrounded by runners and families and beautiful weather. Mile 2: done. Feeling great! The day-before drinking decision didn't seem to be effecting me! I AM AWESOME!! Mile 3: jiggly thighs are not happy, but the rest of me is. This is where I start to pay for my gallivanting; in all my reckless abandon, I forgot to do laundry. This means all of my compression shorts were dirty. This means my thighs rub like those of a cricket on clear night. Chaffing is evil. But No! I won't let this stop me, I feel great about everything else! I will keep running! I put a smile on my face, and keep my legs in motion. Thank god I wasn't in corduroy or I may have started a blaze. I finished the race in 1 hour 1 minute and 31 seconds. Not too shabby.  I didn't stop once to walk, and felt so proud of myself after that I found new resolve for this running thing.

For a bit of extra encouragement, I discovered that Ammie is also doing the half marathon, and we decided to train a bit together :-) She also invited me to do the Dirty Girl Mud Run in two weeks. Today initially seemed crazy and maybe impossible. It was daunting, but I am so glad I did it. It pushed me past my rut and gave me new found excitement for running. Ammie's encouragement and excitement for running  was just what I needed to rekindle the fire within.

Ammie and I after our 10k:
Photo: Yay us!!!

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